Swim Safely This Summer!

Swim Safely This Summer!

Drowning Prevention in Kids: Essential Tips for Parents and Caregivers

Drowning is a leading cause of injury-related death among children, but with vigilance and proper precautions, many of these tragedies can be prevented. At the Pediatric Center, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Here are some essential tips to help prevent drowning and keep your kids safe around water.

Key Takeaways

  • Constant Supervision: Always keep an eye on your children when they are around water, and designate a responsible adult as a water watcher during gatherings.
  • Swimming Skills: Enroll your children in swimming lessons early and ensure they learn basic water safety skills.
  • Life Jackets: Use life jackets for children near natural bodies of water and weaker swimmers in pools.
  • Barriers and Alarms: Install proper fencing and alarms around home pools to add layers of protection.
  • CPR Knowledge: Learn CPR and ensure all caregivers are trained to respond to emergencies.
  • Water Safety Education: Continuously educate your children about the importance of water safety and following rules.

Supervision is Key in Preventing Drowning

Always watch your children when they are near water. This includes bathtubs, swimming pools, ponds, lakes, and even buckets of water. Active supervision means keeping your eyes on your child at all times and avoiding distractions. During gatherings, designate a responsible adult to watch the children in and around water. Rotate this responsibility to ensure continuous supervision.

Educate and Equipment for Drowning Prevention

Teaching your children to swim at an early age can greatly reduce the risk of drowning. Enroll them in swimming lessons as soon as possible, ensuring the instructors are certified. Additionally, use U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets for children near natural bodies of water like lakes, rivers, or the ocean. Life jackets are also recommended for weaker swimmers in pools.

Creating Safe Swimming Environments

For home pools, installing a fence at least four feet high with self-closing, self-latching gates is essential. Pool covers and alarms can add an extra layer of protection. Make sure your pool is regularly maintained and has a clear view from the house. Remove any toys or floats from the pool area when not in use, as these can attract children.

Before allowing your children to dive or jump into water, always check the depth and ensure it’s safe. Teach them to enter the water feet first to avoid head and neck injuries.

Beyond Pools: Know the Risks

Be cautious with bathtubs and never leave a young child unattended. Even a few inches of water can pose a drowning risk. Use non-slip mats and keep the bathroom door closed when not in use. Other hidden hazards include buckets, toilets, and containers of water. Keep toilet lids closed and store buckets out of reach when not in use.

Emergency Preparedness

Learning CPR can be a lifesaver in emergency situations. Ensure you and other caregivers are trained and certified in CPR, as immediate response can make a critical difference. Establish and practice a family emergency plan for water-related incidents. Ensure everyone knows what to do and who to call for help.

Staying Informed and Vigilant

Talk to your children about water safety and the importance of following rules around water. Make sure they understand the dangers and know what to do in case of an emergency. Stay informed about water safety guidelines and updates from trusted organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: At what age should I start swimming lessons for my child?
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children can start swimming lessons as early as age one. However, the readiness of each child varies, so it’s important to consider their development and comfort level with water.

Q: How can I make my home pool safer?
Install a four-foot fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate around your pool. Consider adding pool alarms and safety covers, and remove toys from the pool area when not in use to prevent children from being tempted to enter the water unsupervised.

Q: Are floaties or inflatable armbands safe for my child?
Floaties and inflatable armbands are not substitutes for life jackets and can provide a false sense of security. It’s best to use U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets, especially for younger or weaker swimmers.

Q: What should I do if I see a child struggling in the water?
Act immediately. If you are trained in water rescue, help the child out of the water. If not, call for help and try to reach the child with a long object, such as a pool noodle or a pole, without putting yourself at risk.

Q: How can I teach my child about water safety?
Talk to your child about the importance of following water safety rules. Use age-appropriate language and reinforce lessons through practice and positive reinforcement. Swimming lessons often include water safety education as part of the curriculum.

Q: Is it safe to leave my child in the care of a babysitter or relative around water?
Ensure that anyone caring for your child is aware of water safety practices and understands the importance of constant supervision. Provide clear instructions and emergency contact information.

By following these tips and maintaining a proactive approach to water safety, you can significantly reduce the risk of drowning and ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for your children. At the Pediatric Center, we are committed to supporting you in keeping your family safe. For more information and resources on water safety, feel free to reach out to our team.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further guidance on drowning prevention, please don’t hesitate to contact the Pediatric Center. We’re here to help you keep your children safe and healthy. The Pediatric Center has extended hours on nights and weekends as well as in-house labs and x-rays, so you can get the help your child needs, when they need it. Contact us at our Idaho Falls location at (208) 523-3060 or our Rigby location (208) 745-8927, to set up your appointment. 




Fun in the Sun- Summer Safety Tips for Children

Fun in the Sun- Summer Safety Tips for Children

As summer approaches, it’s time for families to enjoy the warm weather and outdoor activities. While summer is a season of fun and adventure, it’s essential to prioritize safety to ensure that children have a healthy and injury-free season. At the Pediatric Center, we care deeply about the well-being of your children. Here are some crucial summer safety tips to keep in mind.

1. Sun Protection

The summer sun can be harsh, and protecting your child’s skin is paramount.

  • Use Sunscreen: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 on your child’s skin 15-30 minutes before going outside. Reapply every two hours, or more often if swimming or sweating. For infants under six months, it’s best to avoid direct sun exposure. If unavoidable, apply a small amount of sunscreen with at least SPF 15 to small areas like the face and back of the hands.
  • Choose Child-Friendly Sunscreen: Look for sunscreens specially formulated for children. These are often free from harmful chemicals and are less likely to irritate sensitive skin. Mineral-based sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are excellent choices as they sit on top of the skin and provide a physical barrier against UV rays.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Dress your child in lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, pants, and wide-brimmed hats to shield their skin from harmful UV rays. Rash guards are great for additional protection during water activities.
  • Seek Shade: Encourage your children to play in shaded areas, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun’s rays are strongest. Use umbrellas, tents, or canopies to create shade when at the beach or park.
  • Educate Older Children: Teach older children about the importance of sun protection and how to apply sunscreen themselves. Make it a routine part of their outdoor activities.

2. Hydration

Keeping your child hydrated is crucial, especially during hot summer days.

  • Encourage Regular Water Intake: Make sure your child drinks water regularly, even if they don’t feel thirsty. Dehydration can happen quickly in the heat.
  • Avoid Sugary Drinks: Limit the intake of sugary drinks and caffeine, as they can contribute to dehydration.
  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Include water-rich fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber, and oranges in their diet.

3. Water Safety

Whether it’s a pool, lake, or ocean, water safety is vital.

  • Supervise at All Times: Always keep a close eye on children when they are near or in the water. Drowning can occur in just a few minutes and in shallow water.
  • Learn to Swim: Enroll your child in swimming lessons. Knowing how to swim can be a lifesaving skill.
  • Use Life Jackets: Ensure children wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets when boating or participating in water sports.
  • Teach Water Rules: Educate your children about the dangers of water, including the importance of not running near pools and not diving in shallow areas.

4. Insect Protection

Summer is prime time for insects, including mosquitoes and ticks, which can carry diseases.

  • Use Insect Repellent: Apply insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to your child’s exposed skin and clothing. Avoid applying repellent to infants younger than two months.
  • Avoid Peak Insect Hours: Try to avoid outdoor activities during dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Check for Ticks: After playing outside, especially in wooded or grassy areas, check your child for ticks. Remove any ticks promptly and carefully.

5. Playground Safety

Playgrounds are a great place for children to burn off energy, but safety is key.

  • Inspect Playground Equipment: Ensure the equipment is in good condition and that the surfaces are safe and soft, like wood chips or rubber mats.
  • Dress Appropriately: Remove drawstrings and other cords from clothing that can get caught on equipment.
  • Follow Playground Rules: Teach children to use equipment properly and to wait their turn to avoid accidents.

6. Heat-Related Illness Prevention

Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious risks during the summer months.

  • Know the Signs: Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale and clammy skin, and fainting. Heatstroke symptoms include a high body temperature, hot, dry skin, rapid pulse, and possible unconsciousness.
  • Take Breaks: Ensure your child takes regular breaks in the shade or indoors to cool down.
  • Dress Appropriately: Light-colored, loose-fitting clothing helps keep the body cool.

7. Travel Safety

Summer often means road trips and vacations.

  • Use Car Seats: Ensure that your child is in the appropriate car seat or booster seat for their age, weight, and height.
  • Never Leave Children in Cars: Never leave your child unattended in a car, even for a short period. Cars can heat up rapidly, leading to heatstroke.
  • Plan Ahead: Keep snacks, water, and entertainment on hand to make travel more enjoyable and safer.

At the Pediatric Center, we believe that a little preparation can go a long way in ensuring a safe and enjoyable summer for your children. Follow these tips to keep your kids healthy and happy all season long. If you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to contact the Pediatric Center. We are here for you and your family when you need us with extended hours on nights and weekends as well as in-house labs and x-rays to help your family get healthy and stay healthy. Contact us at our Idaho Falls location at (208) 523-3060 or our Rigby location (208) 745-8927, to set up your appointment. Have a safe and happy summer!




Swim Safely this Summer!

Swim Safely this Summer!

Swimming is an enjoyable and beneficial activity for children, offering numerous physical and mental health benefits. However, it’s crucial for parents and guardians to prioritize safety when their children are in or around water. By implementing essential precautions and educating both themselves and their children, families can create a safe and secure environment for swimming.

Supervision is Paramount for Swimming Safety

Never underestimate the importance of constant adult supervision when children are swimming. Even if a lifeguard is present, responsible adults should maintain a watchful eye on their children at all times. Remember the following:

  • Be in close proximity to the water, preferably within arm’s reach.
  • Avoid distractions such as cell phones or engaging in lengthy conversations.
  • Designate a water watcher who focuses solely on supervising children while others take breaks.
  • Keep rescue equipment, such as life jackets, lifebuoys, and a reaching pole, readily available.

Teach Water Competency

Enroll children in swimming lessons at an early age to develop their water competency. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Start with age-appropriate swimming lessons taught by certified instructors.
  • Ensure children are comfortable in the water, can float and tread water, and are capable of basic water rescue techniques.
  • Encourage the development of strong swimming skills as they grow older.

Establish and Enforce Pool Safety Rules

Setting clear rules for pool or water-related activities helps create a safer environment. Make sure children understand and follow these guidelines:

  • No running or pushing around the pool area.
  • No diving into shallow water or unfamiliar areas.
  • No swimming alone without adult supervision.
  • No horseplay or dangerous games in or around the pool.

Swimming & Water Safety Education

Educating children about water safety empowers them to make informed decisions. Teach them the following:

  • The importance of asking for permission before entering the water.
  • How to identify and avoid dangerous water conditions, such as strong currents or deep water.
  • The significance of respecting pool rules and following instructions from lifeguards or adults.

Be Prepared for Emergencies when Swimming

Despite taking preventive measures, it’s crucial to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Consider the following:

  • Learn basic CPR and first aid techniques.
  • Keep emergency contact numbers and relevant information readily accessible.
  • Teach children how to call for help in case of an emergency.

Swimming can be a fun and healthy activity for children when proper safety measures are in place. By maintaining constant supervision, providing swimming lessons, setting rules, and educating children about water safety, parents can minimize the risks associated with swimming. Remember, a vigilant and informed approach is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming experience for children. 

If you have any questions about swimming safety for children or about your child’s health, contact the Pediatric Center. We are here for you and your family when you need us with extended hours on nights and weekends as well as in-house labs and x-rays to help get your family back to the activities they love as soon as possible. Contact us at our Idaho Falls location at (208) 523-3060 or our Rigby location (208) 745-8927, to set up your appointment.




ATV Safety Tips for Kids

ATV Safety Tips for Kids

All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) can provide exhilarating outdoor experiences for both adults and children. However, it is crucial to prioritize safety when children are involved. With their powerful engines and potential for high speeds, ATVs can pose significant risks if not operated responsibly. There are guidelines you can follow to help to ensure the safety of your children while enjoying their ATV adventures.

Appropriate Age and Size Restrictions for ATV safety:

The first step in ATV safety for children is ensuring they are of an appropriate age and size to operate or ride as a passenger. Follow the recommendations of the manufacturer regarding age limits and weight capacities for specific models. It is essential to adhere to these guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries.

ATV Protective Gear:

Always equip children with proper safety gear before allowing them to ride an ATV. This includes:

a) Helmet: A well-fitting helmet is crucial for protecting the head in case of a fall or collision. Choose helmets specifically designed for off-road use and ensure they meet safety standards.

b) Eye Protection: Goggles or a face shield will shield the eyes from dust, debris, and insects, enhancing visibility and preventing injuries.

c) Appropriate Clothing: Encourage children to wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, sturdy boots, and gloves to protect their limbs and enhance grip while riding.

ATV Training and Supervision:

Children should receive comprehensive training on ATV operation and safety before riding independently. Consider enrolling them in an ATV safety course or training program. These courses educate riders about proper handling, turning, braking techniques, and how to navigate various terrains safely. Always supervise children while they ride and maintain constant visual contact to ensure they follow all safety guidelines and rules. Younger children should never ride without adult supervision.

Size-Appropriate ATVs:

Ensure that the ATV your child operates is appropriate for their size and ability. An ATV that is too large or powerful can be challenging to control, increasing the risk of accidents. Select models specifically designed for children, considering their age, weight, and experience level.

ATV Safe Riding Practices:

Teaching children safe riding practices is essential for their well-being. Emphasize the following guidelines:

1. Riding within Designated Areas: Encourage children to ride in designated ATV parks or areas, away from roadways and pedestrians. These areas are specifically designed to ensure rider safety and minimize potential hazards.

2. Obeying Speed Limits: Teach children to ride at appropriate speeds for the terrain and their skill level. Excessive speed can lead to loss of control and accidents.

3. Avoiding Risky Maneuvers: Discourage children from attempting stunts, jumps, or riding on uneven or unstable terrain that may exceed their ability.

4. Maintaining Safe Distances: Teach children to maintain a safe distance from other ATVs or vehicles to prevent collisions.

Regular Maintenance for your ATV:

Proper maintenance is crucial for ensuring the safe operation of ATVs. Regularly inspect the vehicle for any signs of wear or damage, such as worn tires, loose bolts, or malfunctioning brakes. Adhere to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule and promptly address any issues.

ATVs can provide thrilling experiences for children, but their safe operation requires careful attention to guidelines and precautions. By following these guidelines, parents can significantly reduce the risks associated with ATV use. Prioritizing safety ensures that children can enjoy the adventure while minimizing the potential for accidents and injuries.

If you have any questions about ATV safety for children or have any other questions about your child’s health, contact the Pediatric Center. We are here for you and your family when you need us with extended hours on nights and weekends as well as in-house labs and x-rays to help get your family back to the activities they love as soon as possible. Contact us at our Idaho Falls location at (208) 523-3060 or our Rigby location (208) 745-8927, to set up your appointment.




Help your kids bike safely this summer!

Help your kids bike safely this summer!

As children hop on their bicycles with all the excitement the summer brings, it becomes crucial to prioritize their safety. Whether riding around the neighborhood or on a trail while camping in the mountains, teaching children about bike safety is essential to protect them from potential accidents. We want to share some tips to help keep your children safe on their bike riding adventures this summer!


The first and foremost rule of bike safety is wearing a properly fitted helmet. Bike helmets act as a first line of defense, significantly reducing the risk of head injuries in case of falls or collisions. By providing a cushioning effect and absorbing the impact, helmets can mitigate the severity of head trauma, including concussions, skull fractures, and other potentially life-altering injuries.

Emphasize the significance of protecting their heads and make it a non-negotiable rule. Ensure that the helmet meets safety standards and covers the forehead, leaving only two fingers’ width between the eyebrows and the helmet’s rim. Teach your child how to secure the straps snugly, ensuring a secure fit. Set a good example for your children by consistently wearing your own helmet when cycling.


Teaching children about road rules when riding a bike is vital for their safety. Explain basic traffic signs and signals, the importance of stopping at intersections, and looking both ways before crossing. Encourage them to use hand signals when turning and teach them to ride in the same direction as traffic, on the right side of the road.


Regularly inspecting and maintaining the bicycle ensures its optimal performance and reduces the risk of mechanical failures. Teach your child to check the brakes, tires, and chain before every ride. Explain the importance of properly inflated tires, functioning brakes, and a securely fastened chain.


Wearing appropriate clothing while riding a bike enhances visibility and minimizes potential hazards. Encourage your child to wear bright-colored or reflective clothing to improve visibility, especially during low-light conditions. Closed-toe shoes and well-fitting clothes can help to prevent entanglement with the bike’s moving parts.


Teach your child to stay alert and aware of their surroundings while riding their bikes. Remind them to look out for pedestrians, vehicles, and other cyclists. Instruct them to avoid distractions such as using mobile devices or wearing headphones while riding. Encourage them to listen and watch for approaching vehicles or other potential hazards.


Riding bikes with a friend adds an extra layer of safety. Encourage your child to ride with a friend or a family member whenever possible. They can look out for each other, navigate together, and provide assistance if needed.


Teach your children to anticipate potential dangers, such as opening car doors, sudden stops, cars backing out of garages or driveways, and erratic driving behavior from motorists. Encourage them to maintain a safe distance from parked cars and stay out of blind spots.


Instruct your child on the proper use of sidewalks and crosswalks. Explain that pedestrians have the right of way, and cyclists should yield when crossing intersections or sharing the sidewalk with pedestrians. Remind them to walk their bicycles when using crosswalks.


Practice riding bikes with your children in various settings, including residential areas, bike paths, and busier streets, to improve their skills and confidence. Be vigilant during their rides, providing guidance and feedback as needed.

Bike safety is a crucial aspect of children’s lives and provides a great way to get exercise and enjoy time with friends. By teaching children to follow these safety tips, they will have the necessary tools to navigate their cycling adventures safely. 

If you have any questions about bike safety or other activities, contact the Pediatric Center. We have been providing comprehensive care for infants, children, and teens in Idaho Falls and Rigby for over 55 years. We offer extended hours on nights and weekends as well as in-house labs and x-rays to help get your family back to the activities they love as soon as possible. Contact us at our Idaho Falls location at (208) 523-3060 or our Rigby location (208) 745-8927, to set up your appointment.